Thursday, September 26, 2013

Prayer - 09-24-13

Dear Lord,
As we come before you today, we praise you for all the things that you
are. You are compassionate, loving and long-suffering… but you are so
much more.
Some may underestimate you, because of depictions of you holding
children and holding a Shepherd’s staff watching over sheep. Yes, you
are, our loving Abba Father…no one loves us as unconditionally as you
do…and you are our concerned and compassionate Shepherd, watching over
us and caring for us… but you are so powerful and everything fades from
view and diminishes in size, when compared to you. In our humanness, we
often let our worries and fears, troubles and grief over take us… in our
minds we let these things become so large and overpowering that they
over-shadow even your power and strength. We forget all that you are
known for…including vanquishing death.

In the Psalms, it says you ride upon the heavens…one version calls you a
cloud rider. The earth trembles before you. We are told you are a father
to orphans, a champion to widows, you make homes for the homeless, you
provide for the poor and those in need and you lead prisoners to
freedom. You call down rain, to turn desolated lands into an oasis for
your people to enjoy.

Day after day you carry us along. You are our Savior and our God. You
are the God who is for us and the God who saves us. You alone have
conquered death and defeated it and you are our salvation! All of these
things about you are in just one Psalm…there is so much to know and
learn about you and so many things to be grateful for. How blessed we
are that you are our God.

Lord, we want to know you more…we want to be strong in our faith and our
knowledge of you. We want trust and faith to be our first response,
instead of fear. We want to see things filtered through your Word and
your eyes. How many hours of our lives have we wasted on worry and
anxious thoughts for things that never came to pass? How many people and
situations have we given so much power to, that we let them destroy our
peace and sense of security? How many times have we let people’s hurtful
words and judgments define us, instead of remembering how you view us?
How many times have we focused on our problems instead of your promises?
Our biggest obstacles and trials, are no match for you.

Thank you Lord for all that you are and all that you do. Thank you for
going before us and always making a way where there seems to be no way
and for never leaving our side. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

May God’s peace consume you today!

Prayer - 09-22-13

I"m really feeling led to pray for people that need to be set free
tonight from un-forgiveness, bitterness, anger, bad memories, hurts, etc....

Dear Lord,
We ask that you be with those who are struggling to forgive. Lord, there
are those who are trying their best, but they just don't know what to do
to totally let go. We ask that you would show them, Lord. Speak to their
hearts and reveal yourself to them that they might fully experience the
freedom that comes from letting go of anger and hurt and bitterness and
pain. We pray that you would search their hearts and find anything that
they've buried deep down, trying to avoid the pain...

For those who have anger and bitterness towards you, Lord and they have
never really acknowledged that's how they feel, but those feelings are
there none the less ... we pray that they would find release. You know
exactly how they feel. They are not hiding anything from are
pained to see them suffering and struggling...Oh, Lord please let there
be breakthroughs and deliverance. We ask that you would cleanse, renew
and restore, what the enemy has tried to steal from them.

Lord, you died to set the captives free and for each person praying, you
are longing to set them free from long-held hurts...long held
secrets...long held feelings of inadequacy...long held feelings of
rejection...long held feelings of they don't do things right... there
are people here, that aren't even aware that they are holding pain in
their hearts. There are some that think because they prayed about it,
and then buried it, that is all they had to do to deal with it. They
don't realize that they are carrying around pain deep inside their
hearts and minds and it affects their day- to- day life and
decisions.... Lord, you are trying to set them free... may they respond
to you and hear your voice.

For all those who have been abused, Lord...we ask that you would help
them to be set free from the haunting memories. For all those who
trusted and were hurt over and over again...we pray that you would
soothe their wounds and bind their hearts. For all those who know what
it is like to be abandoned by family, friends or spouses...please help
them to face the pain, so they can be set free from it...Give each
person here the courage to face their deepest darkest secrets and hurts
so they can be set free from the guilt and shame and pain. Shine your
light in the dark places of their hearts and souls so they can sweep
them clean and be filled with your healing love and peace.

Lord, for all of those who have physical manifestations from their
stress and pain and depression and hurts and they don't realize that is
the source of their suffering,we ask in Jesus' name, that you would heal
in body, mind and spirit...Let them find healing and freedom right now.

Lord, the enemy is a liar and a destroyer and he keeps us chained in
fear and heartache...Lord, help everyone to say "I will not be afraid
any longer". Let them cling to and claim the promises in your word.
Sometimes we suffer needlessly because we do not claim what is ours, we
do not put on our armor, we do not realize that the victory is already
ours...Lord, bring healing...clean the wounds people not to
be afraid of a little temporary pain that will bring a lifetime of
healed emotions and memories.

Lord, please meet each need here. They are vast and varying, but you
know each one before we even ask and you are faithful to meet them
according to your will and in your time. You are here, Lord. We feel it.
Where two or more gathered in your name, you are in our midst. Come Holy
Spirit come...we're ready for you to breathe your power, strength,
healing and comfort upon us now.
In the mighty name of Jesus we pray Amen.
God bless!!!

Prayer - 09-20-13

Dear Lord,
We come before you and ask that you would help each person praying this
prayer to find renewed strength. We ask that you would help us to focus
on Who and What You us to remember this day that YOU
are...Yahweh- The Great I am. There is no one like YOU... YOU are,
Adonai- the Covenant Keeper. Your word is truth and YOU do not go back
on your word...YOU are Jehovah Jireh- the God who provides...YOU WILL
provide our every need, because you promise over and over again in your
word and YOU do not lie!....YOU are Jehovah Rapha, YOU are the God who
heals...YOU are Jehovah Roi, YOU are our Shepherd...YOU will lead us and
direct us in all our ways, YOU will lead us through the dark valleys
into the light and to the place of provision..YOU will never leave our
side!..YOU are Jehovah Shalom, the Lord of peace...YOU will give us your
peace that passes all understanding if we only trust in YOU and look to
YOU...and YOU, our Lord, YOU are El Shaddai, our powerful Sustainer...

Lord, God, as your children are saying this prayer may they see... our
lives, our trials, our hurts, our cares, our problems, our fears, our
worries, our loved ones, our needs...they all come back to YOU...YOU are
all we need Lord. YOU have planned from the beginning to be all things
that we need. We just need to take our eyes off of ourselves and the
things in this world and trust in your mighty name. Lord, may this bring
peace and comfort to your children saying this prayer. May they feel
empowered that they are not left defenseless or left to face things on
their own. YOU have made a way at every turn. YOU have even given us
your son!! There is none like YOU Lord. Hallelujah, Lord. YOU inhabit
the praises of your people and where two or more are gathered YOU are in
our midst...Lord, we are asking YOU to rain down your grace upon each
one...rain down your peace...rain down your comfort...rain down the
answer to every problem and situation they face...rain down protection
from those who seek to do them harm... rain down renewed strength,
renewed hope, renewed courage. May they see YOU and feel YOU in ways
they have never known before.

Lord, YOU are doing a new work in each of us. Go before us and may we
find confidence not in ourselves or things in this world, but in YOU
this day. Thank YOU, Lord for going before us and making a way to meet
every need. Thank you, Lord for being our loving Father and we are so
grateful to be your children. We love you. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen

Praying for you all to feel empowered in Him today!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Prayer 09-14-13

Dear Lord,
As we gather together today, the twenty-third Psalm keeps coming to
mind. Because you are our Shepherd we shall not lack for anything. You
have promised to feed, shield and protect us. You lead us beside still
waters and make us lie down to rest in cool, green refreshing places.
You see and know better than we do Lord, that there are times that we
need stillness and serenity. You know that we need to lie down and rest
in places of tranquility and calm to restore our souls and the broken
places in our hearts and lives. We need that alone time with you, Lord
so you can speak your healing words of love and encouragement to us. You
lead us on your paths of righteousness...not because of anything we've
done, but because of who you are. You lead and guide us to places where
the enemy cannot harm us because we are safely protected in your
shelter...and even when we must travel through the dark valleys, you are
with us... ever watching over us until we reach your house at the end of
our journey, where we shall live with you forever more.

Father, to have true peace, we must follow your ways...your teachings,
your truth. You tell us we will have peace when we keep our mind fixed
on you. You tell us you have made a covenant of peace with us and you
will not remove have compassion on us. You tell us not to fear,
because you are with us. You have told us that we will have trouble and
suffering, but to not be afraid, because you have already overcome and
made a way and no one can snatch us from your tell us to
dwell in your peace and to be filled with your hope and joy.

Father, may we dwell and meditate on you today...and be filled with
gratitude and thanks for all you do for us. The world may be crumbling
and the adversary may be trying to harm us, discourage us and steal our
peace and joy, but we can rise up against him and refuse to let Him. We
can claim your promises and our inheritance as your children. May we
find rest and comfort in you today. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

May you have a blessed weekend friends!

Marlene Felks

Thursday, September 12, 2013

45 Life Lessons by Regina Brett

Written by Regina Brett, 90 years old, of the Plain Dealer, Cleveland , Ohio .

To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I've ever written.

My odometer rolled over to 90 in August, so here is the column once more:
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short – enjoy it.

4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and family will.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Stay true to yourself.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye, but don't worry, God never blinks.

16.. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful. Clutter weighs you down in many ways.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19.. It's never too late to be happy. But it’s all up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative of dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. Accept what you already have, not what you need

42. The best is yet to come...

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Prayer 09-02-13

Dear Lord,

We thank you for our lives and all that you have done for us. We thank you for your love, grace and mercy and for all the resources you have made available to us. Lord, we know that all the battles we face, are yours. You go before us and your angels surround us. We know we will only fail, when we try to do battle or face things with our own strength. Help us to remember that only with your power and your might can we be strong. You tell us without you, we can do nothing, but through you we can do all things.

Give us your wisdom, Lord...not for our own gain, but that we might make wise decisions and grow strong in you. Help us to overcome evil with good. Help us to remember to pray for those who would seek to do us harm. Help us to love our enemies with your love and to pray for them, that they might be redeemed and make their lives right with you. Help us to forgive those who have caused us pain. Help us to be filled with your compassion and your us to offer the same grace which you have given us. Father, we cannot do these things on our own...but once again,what is impossible for us, we can do through you.

Father, heal the hurts and the open wounds that plague so many. You promise to be near to the broken-hearted and those who are crushed in spirit. You promise to bind those wounds and to turn our mourning to joy. Restore unto each heart the joy of their salvation. Draw each one close unto yourself...we know you waste nothing, Lord... and you will use our every sorrow and every tragedy to show yourself faithful and closer than a brother. You are the source of unfailing love and compassion. You are with us and beside us, through our deepest losses and sorrows. We think of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego ... you were the 4th person seen in that fire with them. You walk through our dark valleys with us. You stay with us on stormy seas. You didn't just bear our sin, pains and sorrows on the cross... you come still...this very day... and every day that we have breath... and you tell us to cast our cares on you because you care for us. Even after all you have done for us, you continue to give us more of yourself. Lord, we are so unworthy...we bow before you and thank you, Lord for your loving care and concern for us.

Thank you Lord, for making a way where there seems to be no way. Thank you for making the rough roads smooth. Thank you for lighting the way in the darkness and giving us everything we need to overcome every obstacle, every trial, every grief and every battle we may face. Fill my friends with hope and courage and the belief that there is nothing that can separate us from you and your love. Help us to be confidant that no weapon formed against us can prosper and that we are more than conquerors. We love you Lord, and we thank you for your faithfulness and for meeting our every need. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Blessings, hugs and love to you all,

Marlene Felks

Prayer 09-01-13

Our Father,
As we come together today, we thank you for your faithfulness. We thank you for being with us through every trial, through every transition and through every loss. We know that in this life we will suffer every kind of pain, heart-break and us to remember that we will not be crushed by anything the enemy sends into our lives. Help us to remember we are persecuted, but not are by our side every step of the way, lifting us when we fall...wiping our tears when we cry and filling us with your comfort and picking us up each time we feel we don't have the strength to get up again. We will never be destroyed by the enemy because you are our champion and defender.

Father, lead us beside still waters today. Restore our souls with your peace. Fill us with your Living Water so it may fill the dry, parched places in our hearts. May we find our rest in you today, Lord. Life is hard, but you are good and help us to remember the suffering of this world is temporary and can't begin to compare with the joy that is coming.

Father, please touch each heart that is hurting today. Please, be with everyone that is in pain...physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Please, provide for every financial and material need. Please, lay your healing hand upon the sick and give rest to weary. Sustain us with your grace, Father. Help us to remember that what you allow to touch our lives, you will give us your grace, strength and power to not only endure, but to overcome. At times, it may seem like you've forgotten us in the fires of affliction, but you never walk away or leave our side,.. you know exactly what we can endure with your help and one day we will come forth from the refining fires, brightly shining in the image of our beloved Savior. You have redeemed what the enemy means for our harm...the things he sends to destroy us, you turn into tools to draw us closer to you. Hold us in your arms, Abba Father, and let us feel comfort from you, Holy Spirit. We know you are our Shepherd and we shall not want or lack any good this life or the life to come. Help us to have no fear, because you are with us now and forever. Thank you that one day all of our burdens, pain and sorrow will be forgotten...thank you that your grace is sufficient, Lord. We thank you and praise you... even in our storms...we are powerless without you, but through you we can do all things. You are our hope and our strength and we need you like the air that we breathe. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Blessings be upon you

Marlene Felks