Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Prayer 09-01-13

Our Father,
As we come together today, we thank you for your faithfulness. We thank you for being with us through every trial, through every transition and through every loss. We know that in this life we will suffer every kind of pain, heart-break and us to remember that we will not be crushed by anything the enemy sends into our lives. Help us to remember we are persecuted, but not are by our side every step of the way, lifting us when we fall...wiping our tears when we cry and filling us with your comfort and picking us up each time we feel we don't have the strength to get up again. We will never be destroyed by the enemy because you are our champion and defender.

Father, lead us beside still waters today. Restore our souls with your peace. Fill us with your Living Water so it may fill the dry, parched places in our hearts. May we find our rest in you today, Lord. Life is hard, but you are good and help us to remember the suffering of this world is temporary and can't begin to compare with the joy that is coming.

Father, please touch each heart that is hurting today. Please, be with everyone that is in pain...physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Please, provide for every financial and material need. Please, lay your healing hand upon the sick and give rest to weary. Sustain us with your grace, Father. Help us to remember that what you allow to touch our lives, you will give us your grace, strength and power to not only endure, but to overcome. At times, it may seem like you've forgotten us in the fires of affliction, but you never walk away or leave our side,.. you know exactly what we can endure with your help and one day we will come forth from the refining fires, brightly shining in the image of our beloved Savior. You have redeemed what the enemy means for our harm...the things he sends to destroy us, you turn into tools to draw us closer to you. Hold us in your arms, Abba Father, and let us feel comfort from you, Holy Spirit. We know you are our Shepherd and we shall not want or lack any good this life or the life to come. Help us to have no fear, because you are with us now and forever. Thank you that one day all of our burdens, pain and sorrow will be forgotten...thank you that your grace is sufficient, Lord. We thank you and praise you... even in our storms...we are powerless without you, but through you we can do all things. You are our hope and our strength and we need you like the air that we breathe. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

Blessings be upon you

Marlene Felks

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