Sunday, September 15, 2013

Prayer 09-14-13

Dear Lord,
As we gather together today, the twenty-third Psalm keeps coming to
mind. Because you are our Shepherd we shall not lack for anything. You
have promised to feed, shield and protect us. You lead us beside still
waters and make us lie down to rest in cool, green refreshing places.
You see and know better than we do Lord, that there are times that we
need stillness and serenity. You know that we need to lie down and rest
in places of tranquility and calm to restore our souls and the broken
places in our hearts and lives. We need that alone time with you, Lord
so you can speak your healing words of love and encouragement to us. You
lead us on your paths of righteousness...not because of anything we've
done, but because of who you are. You lead and guide us to places where
the enemy cannot harm us because we are safely protected in your
shelter...and even when we must travel through the dark valleys, you are
with us... ever watching over us until we reach your house at the end of
our journey, where we shall live with you forever more.

Father, to have true peace, we must follow your ways...your teachings,
your truth. You tell us we will have peace when we keep our mind fixed
on you. You tell us you have made a covenant of peace with us and you
will not remove have compassion on us. You tell us not to fear,
because you are with us. You have told us that we will have trouble and
suffering, but to not be afraid, because you have already overcome and
made a way and no one can snatch us from your tell us to
dwell in your peace and to be filled with your hope and joy.

Father, may we dwell and meditate on you today...and be filled with
gratitude and thanks for all you do for us. The world may be crumbling
and the adversary may be trying to harm us, discourage us and steal our
peace and joy, but we can rise up against him and refuse to let Him. We
can claim your promises and our inheritance as your children. May we
find rest and comfort in you today. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

May you have a blessed weekend friends!

Marlene Felks

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